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4 ways for your restaurant to sell more with delivery platforms

As the pandemic worsened, the home delivery sector played an even more important role, as many people opted to have meals delivered at home as a safety measure.

Home deliveries have become more and more frequent, allowing restaurants to remain in the market and increase turnover. Today, we share 4 ways for your restaurant to earn more with delivery platforms:


1. Analyse in detail each delivery platform, as well as the competition

It is imperative to analyse the market in order to compare your restaurant’s prices against those of the competition. It will also make it possible to identify the best-selling dishes and festive dates that consumers look for the most.


2. Changing and optimising the menu according to consumers’ needs, whenever necessary

If you prioritise the most sold dishes so that the menu is always updated and optimised – according to the preferences and trends of consumers -, it will reduces costs since you will no longer prepare dishes that will not be ordered so often.


3. Offer of exclusive promotions for orders placed trough delivery platforms

If there’s one thing that consumers love and that catches their attention, it’s promotions! By offering a discount or special offer for orders placed through delivery platforms, there is a greater incentive for your restaurant to be chosen over the competition.


 5. Exclusive menu only for delivery platforms

An exclusive menu for those who are present and order through delivery platforms may include options that are not available in the physical space or on your restaurant’s website. This practice will also encourage customers to choose to order through the delivery platform, which can help boost sales.


How will we optimise your menu?

pleez is the right partner for restaurants to get reliable data and menu optimisation solutions on delivery platforms, helping to increase sales by up to 15% and saving between 10-15 hours per month.

The majority of restaurant managers do not have time to manage their physical space and delivery platforms, ending up not taking full advantage of these platforms. For that reason, pleez handles the management of all delivery platforms, in one place, without them having to worry about it.

Our dashboard is prepared to help restaurants to study all the data in a holistic way – price comparison and/or promotions to be practiced -, if it is above or below the market average (for each platform), which dish sells more on a given day, among others, making management even more effective, while increasing your restaurant’s sales.

We measure the results of your restaurant on a monthly basis, so that we can see your growth and define the strategy for the next month. We send you all the conclusions and we give you suggestions on how to improve your menu, so that you can boost your sales.

Our ability to adapt to the real needs of each business enables a more organised and effective management, always with a clear goal on success and total satisfaction of our customers. 


Let’s start? Talk with us!

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