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Relationship Status: Data and Menu Changes should be seen as one

Relationship Status: Data and Menu Changes should be seen as one

The Power of this Relationship and How’s Related to a Restaurants Success in Sales and Overall Performance

We all know - at least us and restaurant owners who are reading this - that the food delivery market ecosystem couldn't be more messy. You have dine-in, delivery, competitors, promotions (a lot of different options for promotions), operations, food, drivers, and the list could go on. What we mean to say is, that restaurant owners already have to worry about so much and we haven't even talked about one of the major challenges they face: how to effectively analyse a big amount of data to optimise their presence and boost performance.

Data-driven insights can give you relevant information about buying habits, past promotions, price relevance, and pick-times, among others, which later will help you to update your menu offerings. In other words, one key factor that can drive success is Menu Changes - they can help you capture the attention of customers and stand out from the competition.

Furthermore, for many, this world of data analytics remains abstract and overwhelming, a complex puzzle waiting to be solved, and while many might view changing and optimising a menu as a routine practice, its impact on sales and overall performance is nothing that will go unnoticed. This is where pleez steps in. We are changing the ecosystem with a mission to empower restaurants through rigorous data analysis and strategic insights. We want restaurant owners to be able to manage their delivery platforms from their everyday tools (Whatsapp, POS, Email…).


Say Hello to Menu Changes

What’s the main goal of optimising a menu, you may ask. Simple: to maximise a restaurant’s profitability and overall performance. Menu changes are not merely about swapping out dishes or tweaking recipes,  they have (or should have) a strategic approach to meet customer demands, adapt to market trends, and maximise profitability. It involves identifying high-profit and popular items, adjusting pricing, and strategically placing dishes to influence customer choices. 

For example, 47% of consumers say menu details and user-friendly navigation (42%) are some of the key elements that they value in a restaurant's app or website. If you ask them what leads them to ordering from a particular restaurant, 92% say affordability, followed by variety of menu options (90%). If you add a special promotion, even better.


🍳 Additional information: 

Menu items sell up to 27% more when they have a well-written menu description. 


The Power of Data

Nowadays, data is the talk of the town, and the restaurant industry is no exception. One of the ways that it can be used with great impact as a consequence, is through menu optimisation, because by leveraging data analytics, restaurants can gain profound insights into customer preferences, seasonal trends, and the performance of existing menu items. 

Overall, there’s still too many restaurant owners or restaurant managers that lack knowledge to thoroughly analyse data, which means that they remain unaware of the game-changing strategies obtained from valuable insights taken from their data. Furthermore, amidst the cutthroat competition within the industry, it becomes imperative for restaurant owners to grasp the enormous impact of data analytics on their establishment's growth trajectory.


Menu Changes: A Data-Driven Approach

Now that we have already made an introduction to the subject, let’s get down to business. Restaurants have been facing a crucial question: How can they leverage data to drive success and maximise performance?

At pleez, we've uncovered a powerful relationship that holds the key to restaurant success: the synergy between data analysis and strategic menu changes. Let's dive into this dynamic duo and explore how it directly impacts sales and overall performance.



In this sense, data and menu changes should be viewed as inseparable partners in the mission of restaurant optimisation within delivery platforms. By harnessing the insights filtered from rigorous data analysis, restaurants can make informed decisions about menu adjustments that resonate with customers and drive sales. This symbiotic relationship is at the heart of pleez's mission—to empower restaurants with actionable insights that fuel growth and success.

Furthermore, several restaurants have already harnessed the power of menu changes with our help to boost their success. At pleez, our goal is clear: to help restaurants not just survive, but thrive in the competitive world of delivery platforms. 

We understand that for most restaurant managers, data is not just a commodity—it's a complex and distant raw material, waiting to be transformed into actionable insights. Just as chefs mix ingredients to create culinary masterpieces, we blend data points to craft strategies that boosts restaurant performance to new heights.

What sets pleez apart from other players in the market is our unwavering commitment to comprehensive optimisation. While others may offer aggregated data or dabble with dynamic pricing, we dare to go further. From conception to implementation, pleez takes the reins, guiding restaurants through every step of the optimisation process. Our approach is holistic, bounding market analysis, menu recommendations, promotional strategies, and even menu adjustments—all tailored to maximise results.

But don't just take our word for it—let the numbers speak for themselves. We took a look into our internal data and analysed the performance of restaurants before and after joining pleez, and we can proudly say that in just 90 days the results are nothing short of astounding:

> 15.5% of the sample total (138 restaurants) had NO Menu Changes. These establishments maintained an average daily sales of €763.91. Thus, without menu changes, their growth in average daily sales dropped by -51.20%.

On the other hand, the 753 restaurants that embraced Menu Changes saw a remarkable transformation. Representing 84.51% of our sample, these restaurants experienced a surge in average daily sales to €1,565.28 — an astonishing growth of 104.91%.

The impact of menu changes on restaurant performance is undeniable.

By leveraging our data-driven approach, restaurants can unlock their full potential, by harnessing insights obtained from competitor analysis and consumer behaviour. The result? Not just increased sales, but also a newfound freedom for restaurant teams to focus on what they do best: cooking.

At pleez, we don't just provide data—we deliver results. Our clients have saved over 200 hours by trusting us with the task of optimisation and menu management within the Delivery Platforms. 


Challenges and Opportunities

While menu changes show potential for growth, they can also provide challenges such as maintaining consistency, managing inventory, and training staff. However, these challenges are outweighed by the opportunities for creativity, differentiation, and customer satisfaction that menu changes give you, and of course, you will now have the time for this side of restaurant management since you’ll be working with us. 

In conclusion, as mentioned above after carefully analysing internal data, it is clear that the correlation between data-driven menu changes and restaurant success is undeniable. It’s imperative that you analyse market trends, competitor strategies, and consumer preferences, so that you can identify opportunities for menu optimisation that drive your client’s engagement and loyalty. Whether it's introducing new dishes, adjusting pricing strategies, or implementing targeted promotions, each menu change is a strategic move informed by data insights.





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