Terms and Conditions

You cook food. We cook data.


Hello, and welcome to pleez! We are a Portuguese food tech start-up, headquartered at Calçada 31 Janeiro, n.º 1, 7580-098 Alcácer do Sal, registered at the Commercial Registry of Lisbon, under the unique registration and legal person number 515 957 135 , which seeks to help restaurants increase their profitability on delivery platforms.

By subscribing to one of our products, the User is accepting these Terms and Conditions in full, being legally bound by them, so this must be read carefully. The subscription of our products depends on the express acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, as well as the Privacy Policy available at https://www.trypleez.com/, which regulates how we will treat personal data shared by Users through our products usage.


pleez products allow Users, who meet the necessary conditions, to carry out an analysis of their market, in order to understand and define the main points that could allow an increase in revenue.

Our 1st Step involves defining the main monthly objectives of Users:

  • Increase in customers
  • Increase customer conversion rate
  • Average ticket increase

Sales increase in specific dishes

After defining the User’s objectives, in the 2nd Step we will use our algorithm to measure three fundamental points:

  • Analysis of your direct competition – Prices, campaigns, menus, and promotions that they are practicing;
  • Analysis of the needs of the customers around you – Weekly purchase trends within your industry (for example, in Cascais, within the sushi industry, many nigiris are ordered on Mondays);
  • Analysis of your sales history – We make a detailed analysis of your sales reports, in order to build a real-time dashboard with your performance per dish.

Once the aforementioned analyses have been carried out, our 3rd Step follows the integration part in which our management team will make all the necessary suggestions and integrations in your menu. For example: cross-sell, up-sell, creation of new articles, bundles, organisation of categories, creation of new categories, A/B testing (testing on the same product, or products, two changes in different periods and realising which of the two brings greater profitability), promo testing, removal of less sold products, price adjustments, add modifiers (technique to increase the average ticket), dynamic menus (creation of exclusive menus for days or specific moments of the day, where the volume of sales it’s smaller).

All suggestions are previously communicated to Users through the contacts made available (email address, telephone/mobile phone), regardless of the route (email, SMS, WhatsApp), so that they can, in particular, oppose them. In the event of non-opposition by the User, within a period of 3 days, to a suggestion by the pleez team, pleez reserves the right to apply and implement such suggestions, resulting from the User’s silence and acceptance.

As part of our 4th Step and commitment to Users, whenever necessary, meetings will be held with the aim of measuring the following points:

  • Monthly results (growth by product)
  • Changes required for next month
  • Customer feedback


pleez products are intended for restaurants that deliver via a delivery platform (Uber Eats, Glovo and Bolt Food).

pleez reserves the right to restrict access to its products to registered and approved Users. In order to subscribe to pleez products, Users acknowledge and agree to provide accurate, true, current and complete information, including username and password for their delivery accounts, as well as name, address, telephone, and a valid and legitimate email address (Information about the Account). They also agree to update, whenever necessary, their Account Information so that it is always as current as possible. pleez will use your Account Information in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.


On our website (https://www.trypleez.com/) you have information about pleez products. For more information and product subscription, simply submit the contact form that is also on the website.


  1. The User agrees not to use pleez products for purposes other than those intended, namely, illicit purposes.
  2. The User undertakes not to create, copy, reproduce or modify any pleez product in any way.
  3. The User undertakes not to send to third parties or otherwise disseminate, distribute or publicly display any content of pleez products, without prior and express authorisation from pleez.
  4. The User is aware that the subscription of any pleez product is monthly, so he must pay it monthly, under penalty of cancellation. All payments must be made on the billing date informed by Pleez, through direct debit to the account authorised by the User. Unless the User cancels his subscription before the billing date, he authorises Pleez to charge him the product membership fee for the following billing period through the agreed payment method. The User acknowledges that he will not be entitled to any refund of the amount debited after the billing date. At any time, the User may update their payment information by communicating with pleez.
  5. The User also undertakes not to: a) restrict or prevent any other User from using pleez products; b) impersonating another person or illegitimately representing another person; c) interrupt or interfere with the provision of subscribed services and any content created, their operation and availability (for example, publishing or transmitting any information or software that contains viruses, trojans, worms, adware, malware, pop-up windows, spiders, bots or any other disabling device or harmful component, as well as participating in a denial of service attack); d) post or transmit any unlawful, fraudulent, libellous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, profane, threatening, slanderous, violent, discriminatory, hateful, offensive, harassing, or otherwise objectionable content, including but not limited to any transmissions that constitute or encourage conduct that could amount to a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability or violate any relevant law; e) post or transmit any information, including images, that is invasive of privacy or that violates or infringes the rights of others (including intellectual property rights such as copyrights); f) post or transmit any information that pleez considers to be sensitive, including (but not limited to) any information about you or another person regarding medical or health conditions, sexual orientation, political opinions, religious beliefs or any other sensitive matters; g) post or transmit any advertisements, commercial solicitations, chain communications, pyramid schemes, investment opportunities or schemes, as well as other unsolicited commercial communications (including participation in spam or flooding operations); h) publish or transmit any data or software that cannot be exported without proper prior written authorisation, including but not limited to software that has encryption capability.
  6. The User guarantees the veracity, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information submitted to pleez, and made available in their delivery accounts. If the information submitted or accessed by pleez for the provision of subscribed products and execution of its activities proves to be false, incomplete or out of date, pleez reserves the right to interrupt or cease access to its products. pleez also reserves the right, at any time, to require Users to validate personal data and other information provided by Users.
  7. The User is solely responsible for all operations carried out within the scope of his delivery accounts.
  8. The User declares that he will immediately notifypPleez if he becomes aware of any unauthorised use or any breach of security of his delivery accounts.


  1. pleez guarantees that it is in a legitimate and legal position to supply the products promoted by pleez.
  2. pleez is not responsible, in any way, namely, but not limited to (i) any failures or interruptions in the operation of its platforms and Users’ delivery accounts and the inability to access such platforms or accounts; (ii) for any damage that may arise from the incorrect functioning of its platforms and the inability to access it; (iii) any damage that may arise from the incorrect functioning of its platforms, whether due to computer failure, viruses, trojan horses, worms, logic bombs or anything that causes interference in the system.
  3. pleez is not responsible for any failures, defects or delays verified in the sending of information and/or documentation resulting from any of the following situations: a) impossibility of accessing the User’s delivery accounts because they are turned off, no network or, for any other reason, not available; b) insufficient and/or inadequate information for the correct creation of the contents proposed by pleez; c) any other reason beyond pleez’s control.
  4. In no event will pleez be liable, directly or indirectly, for general, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or other damages (including, without limitation, damages or loss of profits, business interruption, file corruption, loss of information commercial or other pecuniary losses) in connection with its products in any way, or in connection with their use, inability to use or as a result thereof, even if pleez has been advised of the possibility of such damages occurring. No oral or written information, advice or otherwise given to Pleez will give rise to guarantees, nor will Users or third parties be able to rely on such information or advice.
  5. Subscribing to pleez products implies access to third-party services and content beyond pleez’s control, namely the User’s delivery accounts. The User acknowledges that the use of services and content from these third parties may be subject to their terms and conditions and privacy policies. Pleez makes no guarantees and is not responsible for such services and third-party content. Access to the services, by the User, is subject to the conditions stipulated in the terms and conditions applicable to third-party services and content.


Subject to the User’s acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, pleez grants the User a limited, non-exclusive, non-sub licensable, revocable and non-transferable license to access and use its products solely for the purposes described in these Terms and Conditions. Any rights not expressly granted in these Terms and Conditions are reserved by pleez.


All rights in pleez products are and remain the property of pleez or its licensors. Neither these Terms and Conditions, nor the User’s use of the products, grant him/her any rights: (i) over or related to the products, with the exception of the limited license granted above; or (ii) to use or, in any way, make reference to the corporate names of pleez, its licensors, their logos, products and service designations, brands or other distinctive elements owned by pleez.


pleez products are provided to Users as is. The use of the products will be at the risk and expense of the Users. To the fullest extent permitted by law, pleez excludes all warranties, whether express or implied (including, but not limited to, warranties about satisfactory quality, serviceability, capacity or precautions for use).

Although pleez has worked diligently to provide complete and accurate information to Users, it will not be liable to Users for loss or damage that may result directly or indirectly from the use of its products (or the inability to use them), or any information contained them. All content created through pleez products is subject to the possibility of errors, omissions, changes, or other conditions, and removal without notice.


pleez reserves the right to change the subscription plans and the price of its products offers from time to time. Changes to prices or subscription plans will only be applied 30 days after notification of such change is sent to the User.

The User may cancel his subscription to the subscribed products at any time, and the service will be maintained until the end of the billing period. Invoiced payments are non-refundable, pleez does not grant refunds or credits for partial subscription periods or unused content.

To cancel your subscription, speak directly to our Account Manager or send an email to [email protected]. If the User cancels his subscription, his account will be automatically deactivated at the end of his current billing period and all access, creation and sharing of content ceased.

If any illegal or fraudulent activity occurs, or any external factor beyond leez’s control, which affects the proper functioning of its products and platforms, pleez reserves the right to change, shorten, suspend or cancel the subscription. In these circumstances, Users will not be entitled to any type of compensation.


The User acknowledges that in accordance with these Terms and Conditions he is not authorised to: (i) remove any indication of copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices; (ii) reproduce, modify, make derivative works of, destroy, license, rent, sell, resell, transfer, publicly display or perform, transmit, reproduce, broadcast, or otherwise exploit the products and content created by pleez, except to the extent expressly permitted by pleez; (iii) attempt to gain unauthorised access or damage any aspect of the pleez products.


Users shall indemnify pleez for any losses, costs with claims, proceedings or expenses (whether direct or indirect) resulting from: (i) any claims relating to infringements arising from operations or use of the products or part thereof in breach of these Terms and Conditions of form and through submitted materials or information, which infringe any legislation; (ii) or the improper use of the products.


  1. Portuguese law applies to these Terms and Conditions, as well as to any dispute inherent to pleez.
  2. In the event of a dispute, its resolution must be submitted to the Judicial Courts of the District of Lisbon.


  1. Subscription to pleez products implies access by pleez to third-party platforms (Users’ delivery accounts). The content, accuracy and functions of these third-party platforms are beyond pleez’s control and therefore we cannot accept any responsibility for them, nor do we subscribe to the contents of these third-party platforms. Any business that Users establish with these third-party platforms will be subject to their Terms and Conditions (if any).
  2. If any clause of these Terms and Conditions is considered illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, under any law, that clause or part thereof will, to that extent, be understood as not forming part of these Terms and Conditions, and the legality, validity and applicability of the remaining clauses will not be affected. In such case, the parties shall replace the illegal, invalid or unenforceable part of the provision with a (part of a) provision that is legal, valid and enforceable and that has, to the greatest extent possible, a similar effect to the provision or its unlawful part, invalid, or unenforceable, taking into account the content and purpose of these Terms and Conditions.
  3. pleez also reserves the right, at any time, to change these Terms and Conditions in any way. Whenever changes are introduced to the applicable Terms and Conditions, the User will be informed of this fact. In the event of no opposition to the new Terms and Conditions, pleez will understand that the User confirms their agreement with them. Changes introduced to the Terms and Conditions will not apply retroactively and will come into force on the day of their publication.
  4. These Terms and Conditions contain the entire agreement between pleez and the User.


Address: Record Together Lda.

Calçada 31 Janeiro, n.º 1, 7580-098 Alcácer do Sal

Email: [email protected]

This document was last updated on January 2023.